CoMITs Monthly Peer Group #8
This is the only Peer group dedicated to Co-Managed IT services. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, will be recorded and ONLY available to them.
We’ll be sharing our latest marketing and sales experiences
And we’ll continue our discussion about our voyage through the StoryBrand concept and CoMITs.
Plus any other topic you’d like to bring up.
We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
CoMITs Monthly Peer Group #7
This is the only Peer group dedicated to Co-Managed IT services. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, will be recorded and ONLY available to them.
We’ll be sharing our latest marketing and sales experiences
And we’ll continue our discussion about our voyage through the StoryBrand concept and CoMITs.
Plus any other topic you’d like to bring up.
We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
CoMITs Monthly Peer Group #6
This is the only Peer group dedicated to Co-Managed IT services. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, will be recorded and ONLY available to them.
We’ll be sharing our experience we have our telemarketing campaign using the scripts (which we recently shared with you).
Then we’ll discuss the results from our latest webinar, this time partnering with Auvik.
We’ll also discuss some new video topics aimed specifically at Internal IT folks.
And we’ll continue our discussion about our voyage through the StoryBrand concept and CoMITs.
Plus any other topic you’d like to bring up.
We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
MSP Opportunities: Getting Started With Co-Managed IT
Event Description:
Issue: MSP's need to develop new markets for developing MRR without creating a completely separate organization or practice. It has to encompass Marketing, Sales and Service Delivery. And it has to have minimal competition.
Solution: Co-Managed IT services (CoMITs)
Co-Managed IT services is a partnership. But you have to develop a practice that builds trust with the Internal IT folks.
And it has to be:
Parallel with "pure" MSP offerings
This webinar is sponsored by Datto.
I’ll update this with a landing page to sign up soon!
CoMITs Monthly Peer Group #5
This is the only Peer group dedicated to Co-Managed IT services. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, will be recorded and ONLY available to them.
We’ll continue our discussion about our voyage through the StoryBrand concept and CoMITs. Plus any other topic you’d like to bring up.
We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
Cyber Security and CoMITs
Join me (Bob Coppedge) and the Bruce McCully, CEO of Galactic Advisors on the first (that we know of anyway) specific discussion bringing the two hottest MSP topics together. Cyber Security and Co-Managed IT services.
Is your goal to sell more MRR in 2021? (with near zero competition)
Want a simple method to pair cybersecurity and Co-Managed IT services?
Already engaged in Co-Managed IT relationships and want to be more sticky?
Looking for a way to uncover new Co-Managed IT MRR opportunities?
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, you do not want to miss this session (the first ever on this topic).
CoMITs Monthly Peer Group #4
This is the only Peer group dedicated to Co-Managed IT services. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, will be recorded and ONLY available to them.
New topics! We’ll talk about ‘21 plans for CoMITs, and also discussing my new CoMITs self-assessment tool. Plus any other topic you’d like to bring up.
We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
CoMITs: ‘21 Opportunity
Back to basics.
MSP's need to develop new markets of developing MRR without creating a completely seperate organization or practice. It has to encompass Marketing, Sales and Service Delivery. And it has to have minimal competition.
Co-Managed IT is the market. It's a "Blue Ocean" opportunity.
Let’s review what ‘21 has to offer, specifically for the CoMITs world.
CoMITs Monthly Peer Group #3
This is the only Peer group dedicated to Co-Managed IT services. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, will be recorded and ONLY available to them.
This one will be busy. We’ll be discussing the following:
Deep dive into our LinkedIn methods and results with our special guest, Simplex-IT’s (my MSP) Patti Smerk, Marketing Manager
Review our latest online event and presentation
Review my latest CoMITs tool, the CoMITs self-Assessment worksheet.
We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
ASCII Talk (Southwest)
ASCII’s has a great meeting. Btw, “Southwest” refers to the region, not the airline. So don’t ask for peanuts, I already tried. They’d be virtual peanuts anyway, because that’s the kind of event it is. The free two-day event ( includes a 20 minute talk by yours truly on Day 2, from 12:50-1:10 eastern. This is a special talk specifically for the ASCII folks. The title is “Getting Started with CoMITs”
What Are Your STMPs?
How do you present your solution to your CoMITs or Pure clients?
Every MSP relies on their STMPs. Software, Tools, Methodologies and Portals. Essentially all of the things that go into their solution delivery.
With CoMITs, there’s the added challenge of configuring and sharing your STMPs with the Internal IT resources, but without compromising the integrity of your offerings. Let’s discuss.
ASCII Talk (Mid-Atlantic)
ASCII’s has a great meeting. Don’t let the “Mid-Atlantic” subtitle fool you, this won’t be meeting in the middle of the ocean. It’s virtual. The free two-day event ( includes a 20 minute talk by yours truly on Day 2, from 12:50-1:10 eastern. This is a special talk specifically for the ASCII folks. The title is “Getting Started with CoMITs”.
CoMITs Monthly Peer Group #2
This is the only Peer group dedicated to Co-Managed IT services. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, will be recorded and ONLY available to them.
But we’ll also review the results of our second virtual event aimed at generating CoMITs leads. It’ll be held on 30 September. As of 28 October we have about 150 RSVP’s (I suspect we’ll have about 30 attend). We’ll share all of the materials (including presentation and verbiage used for marketing). We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
ASCII Talk (Midwest)
ASCII’s has a Trick and a Treat, they’re virtual! The free two-day event ( includes a 20 minute talk by yours truly on Day 2, from 12:50-1:10 eastern. This is a special talk specifically for the ASCII folks. The title is “Getting Started with CoMITs”.
Free CoMITs Chat: CoMITs and Pure MSP: Living Together = $
What’s the secret of making $ with an MSP? Doing More with less (increase revenue with a lower increase in cost and wasteful friction).
Same thing here. Let’s talk about how to make sure that the CoMITs offering is going to parallel the existing pure MSP as much as possible. And that’s critical in all aspects of the organization, including marketing, sales and service delivery.
Monthly CoMITs Peer Group #1 (Private)
Starter Kit Members Only!
One of the most important things we’re offering here as part of the Starter Kit is a peer group, where we can get together and discuss…well, I’m thinking CoMITs, but it’s your group. This meeting will ONLY be available to Starter Kit members, and will be recorded by ONLY available to them. The first meeting will include some discussion as to what we all want out of this group.
But we’ll also review the results of our first virtual event aimed at generating CoMITs leads that we only promoted through LinkedIn. It’ll be held on 30 September. As of 27 September we have about 80 RSVP’s (of which about 1/3 I would qualify as potential leads). We’ll share all of the materials (including presentation and verbiage used for marketing). We’ll also record the presentation, which will ONLY be shared with Starter Kit members.
If you’re a Starter Kit member, you’ll receive an email with all necessary information. If you’re not a Starter Kit member but want in, click on the “Starter Kit” button at the top right or go to and get started!
ASCII Talk (Southeast)
ASCII’s on a tear, and it’s a virtual one! The free two-day event ( includes a 20 minute talk by yours truly on Day 2, from 12:50-1:10 eastern. This is a special talk specifically for the ASCII folks. The title is “Getting Started with CoMITs”.
ASCII Talk (New England)
This time it’s the New England flavor of a virtual ASCII event! The free two-day event ( includes a 20 minute talk by yours truly on Day 2, from 12:50-1:10 eastern. This is a special talk specifically for the ASCII folks. The title is “Getting Started with CoMITs”.
Free CoMITs Chat: Don't Let the Client Drive!
In my (very) numerous conversations with MSPs over the past few years, my estimate is that about 60% of MSPs have a “CoMITs'“ relationship. By that I mean an MRR agreement that goes beyond licensing with a client that has an internal IT department.
And yet very few MSPs actually have a formal definition of what their CoMITs offerings are? That creates problems in terms of wanting to market, sell and grow your CoMITs services.
LinkedIn Strategy
Simplex-IT (my MSP) has been doing a lot with LinkedIn over the past several months. Join us and we’ll give you an idea of what we’re doing, and why. Plus we’ll help you get started!
ASCII Talk (MSPConnectLive)
ASCII’s back, and it’s virtual! The free two-day event ( includes a 20 minute talk by yours truly on Day 2, from 12:50-1:10 eastern. This is a special talk specifically for the ASCII folks. The title is “Getting Started with CoMITs”. We’re going to jump right into the how you can get started building your own version of CoMITs.
Defining Your CoMITs
The critical first step for building a CoMITs practice is…defining what the heck your practice is going to be in the first place. Too often MSP’s find themselves letting the clients define what the CoMITs offering is, leaving the MSP with no good way to reproduce and scale (which is the way we make anything in the MSP model profitable). Learn from what works for me (and what didn’t). Easy lessons for you (harder lessons for me<g>).
Discussion about CoMITs
Open discussion about CoMITs opportunities for MSP’s. Bob will be joined by Ray Orsini (OIT) and Jonathan Crow (Ninja RMM)
CoMITs Assessments
This webinar we’ll be talking about performing IT assessments using the audIT Sales Presentation System (although there will be useful info beyond that).
From Mike’s announcement:
We are very excited to have Bob Coppedge joining us for an educational webinar on ideas about marketing, selling and servicing to organizations with internal IT staff. Bob calls this CoMITs (Co-Managed IT services). CoMITs is a huge opportunity for MSPs looking to rapidly grow their business. And in the age of Covid, look for this to be an even bigger opportunity that MSPs should be acting on fast. Bob is the leading expert on offering CoMITs. He literally wrote the book on it: ‘The MSP’S Survival Guide To Co-Managed IT Services’, available on Amazon Learn all about how you can leverage this in your MSP this Thursday, August 13th at 2pm EST.
We’ll be talking about performing Assessments for CoMITs opportunities. Both how they differ from “pure” MSP opps, and how they’re different.